Brothers Agency LTD

0203 834 9726


Data Privacy Notice:

Cookie Notice:

Data Privacy Notice:

Data Privacy Notice

(April 2018)

Brothers Agency is committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [Regulation (EU) 2016/679].

This privacy policy sets out how Brothers Agency (Company No. 13548448 ) uses and protects any information that you provide when using our website, or any of our products and services.

In this policy:

‘You’ are the individual or data subject that provides Brothers Agency with your Personal Information;

‘We’ or ‘us’ or ‘our’ refers to Brothers Agency;

‘Client’ is the person or company that uses our service to recruit temporary or permanent workers.

How do we collect your personal information?

We collect the majority of personal data directly from you.

We may also collect certain information from third parties, such as your previous employer.

Other information about you may be collected from publicly available sources, such as Linkedin.

Where we collect personal data from you relating to other individuals (such as your next of kin, it is your responsibility to ensure such individuals are aware their details are being disclosed to and processed by us.

What information do we collect?

Brothers Agency may collect the following information: your personal data, such as your name, address, date of birth, contact details, this may be in the form of text and images through informed consent; and your sensitive personal information, such as your gender, ethnic origin, for which we will seek your explicit consent before we collect this sensitive data. You may contact us to withdraw this consent at any time.

What do we use your information for?

We will use the data you have supplied for the administration of the recruitment process as listed below, and for no other purpose, than to: maintain our business relationship, where you are a service user as a client or candidate; contact you via email, SMS or phone about vacancies that we believe you may interested in; access data about you against vacancies which we believe may be suitable for you; to fulfil contractual obligations with our clients.

If you provide us with personal information about others, or if other gives us your personal information we will only use that information for the specific reason for which it was provided to us.

How we share and disclose your personal information?

Brothers Agency:

Will send your information to relevant Clients for potential assignments/jobs who decide whether or not to pursue discussions with you. We will obtain verbal consent before presenting details to a client. If you want to withdraw your Application, you should contact us.

Will do this to enable them to consider whether you are suitable for another position (other than the position for which you have submitted an Application) and contact you regarding that other position.

Does not send the personal and sensitive personal information you provide us to clients and third parties located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If and when we are required to transfer your personal information outside the EEA we will take reasonable steps with the aim of ensuring that your privacy rights continue to be protected.

We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your consent or are required to comply with the law.

However, we may disclose your personal information in the following ways: as required by law, such as to comply with a request for information; when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request; or with your permission, to any other third party.

Where do we keep your personal information?

The computer database and the server is located in the UK office of Brothers Agency. We also store your personal information in back-ups of our data.

How long do we keep your information for?

We will retain your personal information: for as long as your there is either a statutory requirement for us to do so, or for as long as we are able to provide a service to you; for as long as the Client instructs us to retain your personal information in order to consider your suitability for and interest in vacancies; and in some cases, we may be required to retain your personal information to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and/or enforce our agreements.

Do we use Cookies?

Brothers Agency website does not knowingly use cookies. However, we do use Google Analytics to track how many have visited our site. Any third parties such as Google Analytics may track your preferences without our knowledge.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.

Brothers Agency uses various security features to protect personal information such as data encryption, Thawte secure socket layer technology (SSL) when registering online, and we undertake periodic vulnerability scans (penetration testing and remediation) of our server, computer and website to prevent unauthorised access or loss of data. We encrypt back-ups of our data.

Links to other websites

Our website does not provide links to any other websites.

Your rights to your information

You can object or withdraw your consent to the use of your personal information at any time. This may affect the services we are able to provide you.

You are entitled to the following rights (subject to some legal exemptions):

Request a copy of the personal information of which you are the data subject;

To have any inaccuracies corrected;

To have your personal data erased;

To place restrictions on us processing your data;

To object to processing;

To request your data to be ported (data portability).

You may request access of personal information we hold about you under the GDPR completing the Subject Access Request (SARs) form. Please note we can only process requests in respect of the information that we hold. We are unable to recover your personal information from any client or other third party to whom we have provided your personal information.

Notification of privacy policy changes

If the way we handle or use your personal information changes, we will update this Privacy Policy and make it available on our website and visually available in our office.

How to complain

If you are not happy with our privacy policy or if you have any other complaint then you should tell us.

If a dispute is not settled then we hope you will agree to attempt to resolve it by engaging in good faith with us in a process of mediation or arbitration.

If you are in any way dissatisfied about how we process your personal information, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. This can be done at

If you have any questions about this policy or about your personal information the please contact Brothers Agency.

Cookie Notice:

(April 2018)

We recognise the importance of data privacy at Brothers Agency, and as such our obligations of transparency.


A cookie does not give web owners access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with them. At Brothers Agency, our website uses:

‘First Party’, ‘persistent’ and ‘session’ cookies for ‘Website functionality’.

‘Third Party’ cookies for ‘Website performance’

To understand what these mean, please continue to read on.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files, whichidentify your computer to the server. A cookie is a small text file which asks permission to be placed on your computer or mobile device by websites that you visit. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie enables the website to tag your device and recognise it as you move around the site (and possibly when you return at a later date). This means you do not have to re-enter your password every time you move between pages of the website.


‘First Party’ cookies: Cookies installed on your device by the website you are visiting.

‘Third Party’ cookies: Cookies installed on your device via the website you are visiting by another organisation. For instance, a cookie set by a specialist website analytics company that provides the website owner with data on the numbers of people visiting its website.

‘Persistent cookies’: Remains on your device even after you close your internet browser. They are activated each time you visit the website that created that particular cookie. For instance, where a website that remembers your login details, so you do not need to enter those details each time you visit that website.

‘Session cookies’: These are temporary and generally used to enable the website to operate, For instance, it allows the user to move from page to page without having to log in again. Once you close your browser, all session cookies are delet

Website performance: Cookies help improve the website by providing the website owner with aggregate statistics on how many users have visited the site, which parts of the site are viewed the most, and the city or regional location of those users. Generally, these are installed by a third party analytics provider, such as ‘Google Analytics’ under contract to the website owner. These cookies do not identify you personally, and once it uses the information for statistical analysis the data is removed from the system. To disable this function you may do so here: “Opt Out” and a cookie will be stored under this name. No information is collected as long as the cookie is stored in your browser. Please keep in mind that – as soon as the cookie is erased – the Opt Out for our website is disabled and must be renewed

Interest-based targeting: These cookies respond to you as an individual. Cookies can help to provide you with the most relevant information about products and services that are of interest to you, and these cookies are aware of which content you have viewed on their website. By gathering and remembering information about your preference it knows your likes and dislikes, the website owner may use this information to target you about their products/services, or products/services from other marketing partners.

Have control of your cookies

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most websites will give you an opt-in or opt-out function.

Cookies help you to get the most out of our website. If you decide to disable cookies, you may find that certain aspects of our website do not work as expected.

If you do not wish to receive cookies you can set your web browser to disable cookies. Please note, turning cookies off at the browser level could disable cookies on ALL sites you visit, and therefore disable functionality on other sites that use cookies.

To find out how to disable cookies in Internet Explorer, please click here…

To find out how to disable cookies in Firefox, please click here…

To find out how to disable cookies in Google Chrome, please click here…

To find out how to disable cookies in Safari, please click here…

If you have any questions about this policy or about your personal information the please contact Brothers Agency.

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